One way I feel that I help the environment is, I like to skate to some of my friends house, sometimes to work and the groceries, and sometimes just to the park to have some fun. I defiantly think that skating instead of driving helps a lot. I am always going out and often remind myself that walking or skating to somewhere close would save gas, and our planet. Another thing is moving to electric cars, I love gas cars and working on them but they are killing our planet, electric cars would be a huge step in improving our air quality and help save the world. An average car produces 4.6 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year, that means every gallon of gasoline burned creates about 8,887 grams of CO2. I have always been interested in things like this, saving the planet and helping others be more aware about what they are doing and how they can benefit, not only earth but everyone living on it. I am almost always outdoors, doing something active like surfing and hiking, so I can physically see that this impacts more than just humans, but animals and the environment of these animals that we are destroying.