No More Plastic Water Bottles
For the better part of my school life, I had always relied on plastic water bottles to hydrate myself both during and after classes. My parent always bought bulk cases of plastic water bottles, so for convenience's sake I always took one right before I went to school. I always felt a tad guilty for using them, so to lessen my internal sense of guilt, I convinced myself that reusing the bottles throughout the day would be a good way to reduce my plastic use. Whenever I ran out of water in the bottle, I would simply go to the nearest water fountain, fill it up, and drink it. I would repeat this process a couple of times throughout the day, till I eventually threw it away in the recycling.
I eventually discovered that my moral compromise was just delaying the process of plastic being shipped off to processing plants, where there are no guarantees that my plastic water bottle of the day wouldn't end up in the ocean. So I decided to make a change for the better. I am now using the bottle in the picture above to contain my water for the day, which immensely reduces the amount of plastic I use on a day-to-day basis. This is both more convenient and more conscious of the planet's health, which is amazing to feel and see in action.