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Plastics Impact on the Environment

Public·50 students
Olivia Hernandez
Olivia Hernandez

The action I decided to take to help climate is an app free in the Apple App Store called PalmOil Scan. Palm Oil is a vegetable oil that comes from a fruit of the oil of palm trees. It is cheap and is used in about 50% of products in supermarkets. With the growing palm oil industry can come serious consequences to our ecosystems. After further educating myself, I found that palm oil plantations have significantly damaged forests that are home to many different kinds of species. According to the Rainforest Action Network, “Conflict Palm Oil, is driving iconic species like the Sumartran orangutan, tiger, elephant, and rhino to the brink of extinction” (RainforestActionNetwork). As the Palm Oil industry grows, the ecosystems starts to die. That is why I downloaded PalmOil Scan. This app allows be to scan any barcode from a product to see if the company that produ…

Olivia Hernandez
Olivia Hernandez
August 4, 2024 · joined the group.

Jesus Montalvo

Ever since humans started using plastic, we have made our oceans more polluted ever since the creation of plastic. And, that number continues to grow each day since

almost everything is made of plastic. And, there isn't really a way in order to get rid of that plastic. To add on top of that, plastic doesn't take that much money to manufacture, so that is why the giant companies continue to use plastic in order for them to save money. But, is saving money really worth causing plastic to end up in the ocean and having no way to properly dispose of plastic? An example of a company saving money using plastic is Starbucks with their plastic cups. Starbucks is a multi-billion dollar company, and the way that they do this is mostly saving money by using plastic cups for, almost, all of their drinks to the consumers.…

August 4, 2024 · joined the group.


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